Refuting the Bible

Let me start by saying that this post is a work in progress and will be long, and edited. I am posting this before full completion because I wish for people to be able to see the composition of my work.

So, in the beginning.

The Bible is a book that details from start to finish the Genesis creation story, the arrival of the man-god Jesus, the death and undeath of Jesus, all the way to the eventual destruction of the Earth and either eternal damnation or salvation of all human life.

This post will take us through many of the key points of the Bible and hopefully along the way I will be pointing out some of the main contradictions, mistakes, errors, evils, and lies. But first a little history is in order.

The Bible itself was not written in a single specific year, or in a single location. The Bible is a collection of writings; the earliest of which have been dated around 3500 years ago according to most sources.

Let's start with Genesis.
In Genesis, the Earth is created before light and before the creation of the sun and stars. Modern physics states this to be the exact opposite in which things happened.

God also creates light twice. The first light he created he named day, and the second light he made he named the sun.

How about God's other creations?
Well he created birds and whales in 1:21 before he made reptiles and insects in 1:24. He also created flowering plants in 1:11 which is long before he even started on the animals in 1:20. In both of these instances it's the exact opposite of our modern understanding of the evolution of life on Earth.

The two biblical accounts of the creation story don't add up either. For example, God creates humans after the other animals in Genesis 1:25 through 1:27. Later he states that he created humans before the other animals in 2:18 and 2:19.

The list goes on... Later

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